
At Tawa Montessori Preschool our children/tamariki and their whānau/family are at the centre of our programme.

Montessori education is our passion and our curriculum is woven together with Te Whāriki and the National Education Learning Priorities to create a holistic programme.

We value consistency of teachers/kaiako, educators and caregivers, and have developed our routines and structure so young learners/ākonga can develop positive relationships to support learning and wellbeing.

Tawa Montessori is an inclusive and safe learning environment that promotes respect, grace and courtesy, social interaction, independence, self help/care and the ability to articulate feelings.

Our preschool partners with whānau to equip every student/ākonga to identify and realise their aspirations. We build on practices experienced in their own home and community and value the cultural knowledge each child and their whānau bring.

Our goals for all tamariki are to:

  • nurture and inspire spontaneous curiosity
  • enrich intellect, physical, spiritual, social and emotional wellbeing
  • develop self-discipline and internal sense of purpose and motivation
  • promote a love for the natural world
  • foster a natural desire to learn
  • learn to be kind and peaceful
  • think, explore and reflect back on what is learned and to develop active minds
  • develop concentration, self-discipline, love of learning and social skills.

Whangai ka tupu ka puawai
That which is nurtured blossoms and grows

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